Why Vintage?

Antique and decorative vintage wares on shelves in studio.

What makes a house a home?

The answer, of course, will be different for each of us. At Scout + Bird, we believe that weaving antiques and vintage décor into our lives not only breathes "new life" into the pieces themselves, but into our homes, studios, airbnbs and places of work.

Every foraged find, heirloom, or collection can stir a memory. A space doesn't have to be perfect, just as memories are not. The mix of old and new can enliven a space and, over time, it becomes a reflection of who we are, and what we love, honour and enjoy.

Buying pre-loved not only allows us to create a space that is uniquely ours, but to "buy old, make new and make do" helps us all lessen the impact on our fragile environment.